Hospital Facilities
ADH Emergency Room offers a warm environment that fosters innovation, strives for excellence, nurtures respect for others, and ensures accountability in delivering superior care to patients.
Privacy, room temperature, lighting, and window curtains are the specially designed features beneficial for recovering patients and caregivers’ comfort. A wellness center for stockholders and VIP clients is at the 6th floor or the expansion building.
ADH Canteen and Dietary fulfill the food and diet requirements of ADH patients. In addition to the patient, it also caters to employees, patients’ family members, and visitors.
The ADH canteen for patients plays a vital role in aiding in the patient’s treatment and faster recovery. Its quality objectives are to provide the right food to the right patient and provide food that is safe to consume and palatable to avoid wastages of food.
ADH Facilities
Other Facilities
Staff Facility

ADH believes in work-life balance, healthy lifestyle, and happy dispositions. Its employees’ programs exemplified by its fitness and wellness related events that forms part of the many aspirations that Apalit Doctor’s Hospital Inc. aims to pursue and sustain in the coming years ahead. A new “KUMUSTAHAN” mental health support project ensures holistic employee care.
Through the years, ADH endeavors to develop a solid reputation for going out and doing some benevolent and charitable activities, turning our success in the past 18 years into an opportunity to help others.
We make strides to be a caring part of the community and help out those who live in less fortunate circumstances due to our commitment to being the most socially responsible company in our locality.
That through our quality healthcare programs and services to the people in need, it is possible to achieve long-term and self-sustaining, healthy communities.