Radiology & Sonography
Clear insights and precise diagnostics: Radiology & Sonography services offering advanced imaging for accurate medical evaluations and care.

Vascular Procedures:
- Carotid Duplex Scan
- Ankle Brachial Index
- Wrist Brachial Index
- Arterial Duplex Scan (Upper and Lower)
- Venous Duplex Scan (Upper and Lower)
- Renal Duplex Scan
- Abdominal Aorta Duplex Scan
- AV Mapping
- AV Surveilance
- 24hr Holter Monitoring
- 24hr Ambulatory BP Monitoring
- Treadmill Stress Test
- Stress Echocardiography Test
- Spirometry Test (Pedia & Adult)
- 2D Echocardiography
- Vascular Procedures
- Buntis Sulit Package
- Eye Center
- Adhope Hiv Treatment
- Animal Bite Center
- Annual Medical Package
- Ambulatory Surgical Clinics
- Radiology & Sonography
- Vaccinations
- Hemodialysis
- Internal Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory
- Newborn Screening
- Neurology And Behavioral Medicine
- OB Sonology
- OB & Surgery Packages
- Pediatrics
- Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
- Pre-employment Package
- Surgery (General) And Minimally Invasive Surgery (Laproscopy)
- TB Dots Clinic
- Ultrasound
- ICU, NICU, CT Scan (Soon)